Construction Marketing Messages are Critical to Success

If you read any of my blogs, you know I’m an advocate for creating strong marketing messages. Recently, I’ve done several analyses for prospects and found a common thread –all their content is alike. Obviously, I know companies in the same industry will have similarities in promoting services or products. However, to stop at basic […]

The benefit of inbound and outbound construction marketing

In this blog we’ll discuss outbound and inbound construction marketing. Outbound marketing is the more traditional of the two and sends content to potential customers. Channels for outbound include prospecting calls, direct mail, e-mails, print/online advertising, and trade shows. Inbound marketing draws customers in using content on your website and social media. In the past […]

Construction marketing keyword basics

You might have built a website that engages visitors with the imagery and messages that promote your company, but is that enough? Not if you didn’t consider the keywords used in the site. Keywords are the way potential clients find you through Internet searches. Without these essential search engine optimization (SEO) tools, someone won’t find […]

Construction marketing program is NOT just a project

Essential projects in a construction marketing program, a brochure, or a website are only parts of the plan. A marketing program needs to consist of strategy, branding, awareness building, lead generation, and sales material. However, while these parts might combine to make the components of a total program, it is the way you use them […]

Staying on top of a construction marketing plan

You wouldn’t start a building without prints, and you shouldn’t start promoting your business without a construction marketing plan. Like a construction project, a marketing program has many facets. This blog will give you a general understanding of different areas you need to understand, so you can work effectively with outside marketing professionals. Construction marketing […]

How strong is your construction marketing brand?

A construction company’s brand is one of its strongest marketing tools. Potential customers evaluate your company on your brand, which includes your reputation, when selecting a contractor. The strength and awareness you’ve built in the community you serve is essential to stability and growth. It is also critical to maintain consistency in the image and […]

Time to conduct a construction marketing analysis

We are quickly approaching the end of 2023. This means you need to conduct a construction marketing analysis to determine what the effectiveness of your sales and marketing program to make any adjustments. When analyzing your marketing program, consider these areas: One: Strategy The first step in a construction marketing analysis is to determine if […]

Do you need a construction marketing partner or vendor?

Like other industries in the country, marketing and advertising are also evolving. While there have always been agencies and freelancers for businesses to choose to help them with their marketing, more professionals work from home than ever. Owners must ask if a construction marketing partner or vendor is best for their company. The answer to […]

Maintaining an effective construction marketing website

Once you have a website built with all your services, experience, and advantages available for visitors to review, you need to maintain it to be an effective construction marketing website. Maintaining doesn’t just mean it is functioning correctly. It means keeping it active because search engines like active websites. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is […]

Are you promoting your construction marketing project process?

In marketing, we stress promoting a construction client’s services and experience. Often though, contractors overlook the strength of the way they do business. I call this messaging technique the “construction marketing project process.” Construction projects are stressful for owners, and contractors must work to ease that anxiety. Of course, messages highlighting capabilities and expertise are […]

Years in business does not equal construction marketing awareness

In the past 30 years, I have worked with construction companies that have been in business for fifty, a hundred, or more years. While this long track record is quite an achievement, it doesn’t equate to continuing construction marketing awareness. Often, owners err in thinking marketing is no longer necessary because “everyone knows us.” First, […]

Understanding the construction marketing process

New clients ask me to explain the construction marketing process often. At Conach, we break it down into three areas of business development when creating a program for a client: marketing, lead generation, and sales. Now that seems simple enough. And it would be if these areas of business development didn’t overlap because of the […]

Understanding construction marketing programs

Just like construction projects, construction marketing programs involve several different areas. While you don’t have to be an expert in all of them, you should have a general understanding of the major components. This blog will give an overview of different areas where understanding is essential, especially when working with an outsourced marketing provider. Clarify […]

End of the year construction marketing assessment

As we closeout 2022, you need to consider a construction marketing assessment. This evaluation will help you to determine what has been effective and what areas need to be addressed.  Here are the areas to review: The construction marketing assessment of your plan When evaluating your marketing strategy, you need to analyze your markets, your […]

Customer experience is the foundation of construction marketing success

Customer experience is one of the core focuses of B2B companies today, and that includes construction firms. It is one of the best ways to ensure customers keep coming when they need construction services. Here are several customer experience trends that can increase your construction marketing success. Construction marketing success and personalization The best way […]

Speak to one client at a time in construction marketing communications

When developing marketing messages, many companies take a more formal approach. In this technique, the messaging uses the company name and client rather than personal pronouns. For example, “ABC Construction provides clients with superior services” versus “We provide you with superior services”. There are many reasons to use a more personal approach when addressing potential […]

Maintaining construction marketing control

An issue I have seen many times when working with new clients is a lack of oversight of parts of their sales and marketing program. Even if you work with a long-time, trusted vendor, letting this management slip can cause serious problems, like being locked out of your marketing platforms. Here are areas you must […]

Can construction marketing recruiting help you find employees?

With the labor shortage, our construction clients often ask for our assistance when recruiting. First, let me say we are not HR people, and I explain that to clients. We are not educated in the legal requirements in listing job positions. However, we can help with construction marketing recruiting. Let me explain. The construction marketing […]

The start of the year is ideal for a construction marketing review

We are halfway through the 2nd month of 2022 and if you haven’t completed a construction marketing review, now’s the time. Here’s a checklist to get you started: Evaluate your construction marketing strategy  First, take a hard look at the marketing strategy you implemented last year. Hopefully, it was successful, you hit your goals, and […]

Don’t conduct copycat construction marketing

In the 25+ years, I have worked with construction clients, I have had to help several avoid the misstep of copycat construction marketing. Understandably, emulating a successful competitor seems like a surefire marketing tactic, but it is not. While it’s true that all contractors build, you need to promote what makes your company unique. Without […]

Why a construction marketing drip campaign is essential

I guess before I tell you why a construction marketing drip campaign is an integral part of lead generation for contractors, I should define it. A drip campaign is a scheduled point-of-contact with prospects. The purpose is to stay in regular contact with potential clients that don’t have an immediate construction need or have a […]

Is time to consider rebranding in construction marketing?

In my career, I have found clients who would never consider construction marketing rebranding and those who think it should be done often. In other words, those clients weren’t sure how to judge if a rebranding was in order. This article talks about how an old marketing guy tackles that question. When to rebrand in […]

Customer satisfaction and construction marketing

After reading the title of this blog, you may think you should switch the order of customer satisfaction and construction marketing. That marketing comes well before creating a satisfied client. And you are correct, up to a point. Certainly, marketing is a major part in finding and contracting with a new client. However, it doesn’t […]

Building the Construction Marketing Team

In my last couple of blogs, I wrote about defining marketing and developing a marketing program. (check out the links if you’re interested). In this blog, I want to discuss the marketing team. When pulling together a construction marketing team, you need to focus on people that can handle the strategy, lead generation, and sales […]

A construction marketing e-mail campaign is more essential than ever

With the continuing COVID-19 crisis, the limits on in-person meetings have made one of the prime lead generation tactics for contractors, networking, difficult. For this reason, a construction marketing e-mail campaign has become an even more critical marketing tool.  Defining a construction marketing email campaign A construction marketing email campaign is an inexpensive technique to […]

Building a construction marketing plan

As we approach the 4th quarter of a unique year, I hope you remember your 2021 construction marketing plan. If not, the following is an overview of the blueprint that can help you develop a proactive and effective program. Review your construction marketing plan To begin, review your current program to determine if it needs […]

What makes construction lead generation different?

After working with construction clients for over two decades, I have learned that construction marketing lead generation is a different animal. While you uncover opportunities regularly in B2B lead generation campaigns for manufacturers or accountants, it is unlikely you’ll contact an owner just when they are thinking about a new building or addition. Does that […]

Developing a construction marketing social media schedule

By now, most people know that an effective social media campaign is a result of what you post and how often. The challenge for most B2B marketing social media is having the topics to develop posts. In this article, I’ll look at items that you can use to develop post items in a construction marketing […]

Time to review your construction marketing program

As we continue to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak, business needs still needs to move forward. If you are shut down or seeing a slow down because some projects have been put on hold, now is the time to review your construction marketing program. In order to help you get started, ask yourself the following […]

Construction marketing strategy in challenging times

To say we are living through unprecedented times is certainly an understatement. But we will get through them. During the current COVID-19 crisis, all business owners must take steps to safeguard the business, its employees, and respective families. This concern is only right and natural. However, as you are looking after the health of your […]

Construction marketing diversification tools

One of the main goals of our construction clients is to break into new markets. This task can be challenging if the client hasn’t any experience in the new market. However, it can be accomplished if you have the right plan and tools in place. Fortunately, Conach has extensive experience in helping construction clients expand […]

Structuring construction marketing messages

When creating construction marketing messages, you need to consider both the content and the structure. The content hit the key points that attract, connect, and influence prospects. There are several message development techniques that you should utilize. Let’s look at those methods. Unique Value Proposition Your unique value proposition (UVP) encapsulates how your product or […]

Strategic Storytelling in Construction Marketing

Storytelling isn’t just for entertaining – it’s an essential part of the sales and marketing process. Because telling stories is an ancient form of communication, it connects people. It is a way to inform people on a personal level that goes beyond the facts of the project. Using this technique allows you to relate examples […]

Understanding the construction marketing customer journey

Every customer goes through a journey when working with you. What type of journey the client experiences depends on you and your team. It is critical that you control each phase of the journey to ensure it is pleasant and productive for the customer, as well as profitable for you. Now let’s look at each […]

Have you engaged in integrated construction marketing communication?

In my blogs, I often stress the need for integrated marketing communication or IMC. Generally, this practice involves your marketing strategy, lead generation campaign, and sales program. You must integrate all three of these elements of business growth for them to be truly effective. However, in this blog, I’m taking this concept of integration a […]

Common construction marketing mistakes

I have worked with construction clients for over 25 years and have witnessed a commonality in the construction marketing mistakes made. To be fair, I have also seen these mistakes made with clients in other industries as well. When you make these errors, there are consequences. Let’s look at some. Construction marketing mistake: Not everyone […]

Building trust through construction marketing

After working with over 50 construction-related clients in my career, I know it’s essential for them to create trust with potential customers. After all, building a hospital, school, restaurant, or physician’s office is a significant undertaking for the owner. They need to have confidence in the builder they choose. In this article, I will cover […]

Is construction marketing CLV important?

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), a calculation of the value of the lifetime value of a customer to your company, is essential to many industries. For example, a manufacturer that produces parts or equipment understands how much a long-term customer means to its future revenues. However, does CLV in construction marketing matter? After all, the customers […]

The case for a construction marketing inbound and outbound combo

While certain aspects of inbound marketing have been around for decades, as a full program, it is relatively new. Outbound marketing, on the other hand, has been in use as long as marketing has existed. Since it is the more modern marketing tactic, most inbound construction marketing specialists will tell you don’t need outbound marketing. […]

Understanding construction marketing lead generation strategies

There are three categories of lead generation, or advertising, channels: awareness, target and direct. With this in mind, the question is which channel or combo is best for construction marketing lead generation? In this blog, I will: • Define the three types of lead generation • Review the channels in each • Discuss how each […]

2019 Construction Marketing Plan

Is your 2019 construction marketing plan ready? While we are in the first quarter of 2019, I thought it would be a good time to review your 2019 construction marketing plan. It is important to realize that developing a marketing plan at the last minute – or worse making it up as you go along […]

Construction marketing sales funnel

The forgotten step in the construction marketing sales funnel The standard sales funnel traditionally ends with the sale. The construction marketing sales funnel needs to be an expanded version. Just like the industrial marketing sales funnel, it needs to include getting repeat projects. However, there needs to be one more step after that in construction […]

Construction marketing tracking

Construction marketing tracking of lead generation and sales With over 40 construction clients under my belt, I have often been asked about construction marketing tracking and how to evaluate the results versus the investment. I think the real question needs to be how to assess your total lead generation and sales program. After all, tracking […]

Construction marketing Google Analytic reports

The chief construction marketing Google Analytic reports Google Analytics offers a wealth of information on your website traffic. Because of this abundance of data, it can be challenging to decide what you should be looking at in construction marketing Google Analytics. For that reason, in this blog, I will discuss   Google Analytic terms The […]