Welcome to our B2B marketing blogs

As a small business agency specializing in business-to-business programs, it seems only right to have B2B marketing blogs. Though we specialize in B2B marketing, we do have specialty areas. Those industry focuses include construction marketing, industrial marketing, financial marketing, and small business marketing. Because of the range of our business to business marketing clients, we utilize tactics from each in a “cross-pollination marketing” technique. It is this strategy and expertise that we bring to our blogs. As well as some down-to-earth, from the trenches advice.

Construction Marketing Blogs

The Conach team has the experience of working with 40 plus construction clients. The clients range from CM’s to HVAC contractors. Because of this depth of industry knowledge, we bring insight to each construction client. It is this understanding of construction that we share in our construction marketing blogs.

Industrial Marketing Blogs

Even though our experience in construction marketing is impressive, we have more in industrial marketing. We have worked with over 50 manufacturing related client in our careers. Our experience is wide-ranging. For example, it includes the Big Three, Tier 1 and 2 suppliers, and small job shops. As a result, we can offer many tactics and techniques we have used over the years in our industrial marketing blogs.

Financial Marketing Blogs

We have been providing financial marketing for over a decade. In that time, we have our clients have been accounting firms, financial advisors, and lending companies. Consequently, we have learned a great deal about the financial industry and pass that expertise on in our financial marketing blogs.

Small Business Marketing Blogs

While the U.S. government might classify our client as small businesses, they are big business to us. That’s because we approach each small business marketing program with the goal of helping your company. We are happy to share the breadth of experience we have in B2B marketing in our small business marketing blogs.

Please contact me about your B2b marketing services.

Whether it’s construction marketing, industrial marketing, or financial marketing you can rely on Conach for personalized business-to-business marketing services. Our blogs focus on our specialty areas to provide insights into small business marketing. From our advertising agency in Saginaw Michigan, we work with clients across the country, and we will be happy to work with you, no matter where you are.

B2B Marketing Ideas: B2B Customers Expect a B2C Experience

Customer experience has been the key to successful business-to-consumer marketing for years. It must be a primary focus of B2B companies because your customers now expect it. Here are several prospect and customer experience trends you should consider for your marketing and sales program:   Connection Personalized experiences are a powerful tool for connecting with […]

B2B Marketing Ideas: Every Business is a Service Business

Every business needs to think of itself as a service business. Why? Because whether you manufacture a product, build a building, or create a software solution, you are actually performing a service for the customer. With this mindset, you will foster a philosophy of “service first” throughout your company. Without this focus on exceptional service, […]

B2B Marketing Ideas: Multi-Level Marketing Messaging Engages Prospects More

Strengthening your marketing messaging is critical in improving your lead generation and sales results. Given the uncertainty of the number of decision-makers involved in the sales process, it’s crucial to craft messages that can address the key concerns of each prospective decision-maker. This adaptability will prepare you for any sales scenario. The following are techniques […]

Promote ALL your industrial marketing strengths

When developing messages to promote your company, be certain you cover all your industrial marketing strengths. Most manufacturers focus on the products or services they offer through the ‘Feature & Benefit’ messaging process. This process highlights the features of your product or service and the related benefits to the prospect. However, this limited approach stops […]

B2B Marketing Tip: Speak to one prospect at a time in marketing messaging

When developing marketing messages, many companies take a more formal, third-party approach. In this technique, the messaging avoids pronouns, such as “I or we and you”. For example, XYZ Company provides customers with superior services” instead of “We provide you with superior services”. There are many reasons to use a more personal approach when addressing […]

B2B Marketing Tip: Time for a Marketing Checkup

It’s 2025 and many people evaluating changes to be healthier. Expand that review to include our marketing program to ensure its fitness. Here’s a checklist to get you started:   Evaluate your marketing strategy  First, take a hard look at the marketing strategy you implemented last year to determine if you hit your goals, and […]

Making Industrial Marketing Social Media Work

One of the most confusing areas of marketing we encounter when working with manufacturers is social media. The first question is, “Do we need it?” The answer is yes. It is an integral part of an inbound and outbound marketing program to grow sales. The next question is often, “Which social media channels do we […]

B2B Marketing Ideas: Prove Your Value

I’m an advocate for creating a multi-layered messaging strategy to educate, inform, and connect with prospective customers. There is another area of message development that several new clients neglect, case studies and testimonials. This content proves the capabilities and value of your services and products to prospects.   Case Studies Present Your Solutions A library […]

B2B Marketing Ideas: Success Starts with the Message

When I do an analysis for a prospect or begin working with a new client, strengthening their marketing messaging is the first, critical step. Most have messages on services or products and possibly value statements or a unique selling proposition. While this content is a good beginning, that’s all it is. For an effective and […]

B2B Marketing Tips: Evaluate Your Inbound Marketing Content

With the emphasis on inbound marketing in most marketing programs, you need to plan the content you are posting. While customers, employees, and vendors are interested in company news and events, prospects looking to work with you aren’t. Chances are you’ve developed marketing messaging for your website and sales material. These selling messages, along with […]