B2B Marketing Tip: Speak to one client at a time in marketing messaging

B2B Marketing Tip: Speak to one prospect at a time in marketing messaging

When developing marketing messages, many companies take a more formal, third-party approach. In this technique, the messaging avoids pronouns, such as “I or we and you”. For example, XYZ Company provides customers with superior services” instead of “We provide you with superior services”. There are many reasons to use a more personal approach when addressing potential customers. Here are a few:


  • All marketing communication needs to connect with the potential customer. When you use a personal technique, the reader feels you are speaking to directly to them.


  • Creating marketing messages in the first person makes your company seem more approachable and less corporately cold.


  • Marketing material that speaks one-to-one, lets the potential customer know that you are focused on their goals or needs.


  • Using “I and we” with You and Your” establishes that you take business relationships personally, thereby building initial trust.


  • When your messaging is in the first person, you promote the idea that you will stand behind your work.


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