Understanding construction marketing lead generation strategies
There are three categories of lead generation, or advertising, channels: awareness, target and direct. With this in mind, the question is which channel or combo is best for construction marketing lead generation? In this blog, I will:
• Define the three types of lead generation
• Review the channels in each
• Discuss how each works in construction marketing
Awareness: Broadcasting your brand in construction marketing lead generation
Overall, you can think of awareness advertising channels like standing in the middle of a crowded mall and blasting your message with a bullhorn. Many people will notice, some may hear what you’re saying, but only a few may be interested. In other words, these channels send your message to a broad audience. This large group may or may not include your potential customers. Because of this factor, t
That is not to say that it doesn’t have a place in construction marketing lead generation. However, you must choose the channels wisely. Awareness advertising channels consist of outdoor, social media, signage, publications, and broadcast media. Let’s take a look at each of these channels:
Outdoor channels are billboards and displays in public areas.
Social media channels are LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Signage channels are building and vehicle signs.
Publication channels are newspaper and local magazines.
Broadcast channels are radio and television.
Target: Going for the group in construction marketing lead generation
If awareness advertising is standing in the middle of the mall, then target lead generation is like standing at the entryway of a store in the mall and shouting your message. But it has to be a store that serves people likely to be interested in what your company provides. Most of the people will hear the message, but they will only have an interest if they have a need as well. As the name indicates, in target advertising you are targeting a group of potential customers that are known to be interested in your products or services. For example, if you are conducting a B2B campaign in construction marketing, you would have historical data indicating the markets you could successfully target, such as the industrial or medical. Therefore, the channels we will review for target advertising are trade publications, search engine optimization, networking, and social media.
Trade publications are print and online magazines that focus on a target market.
Search engine optimization is the strategy of your website construction and the keywords used.
Networking channels are local organizations, committees, and events.
Social media channels are the same as awareness but utilizing the tools to target demographics.
Direct: One to one in construction marketing lead generation
Direct advertising channels are like walking into the store and speaking to each customer. As a result, you can contact each individual likely to be interested in your message, product or service. Direct lead generation channels are:
Prospecting calls to potential customers in target markets.
Direct mail to prospects that have been qualified to be interested in your product or service.
Trade shows and events allow you to speak to visitors to your booth.
E-bulletins to prospects that have permitted to email info.
Using the channels in construction marketing lead generation
Now let’s look at the best channels for construction marketing lead generation and how to use them. It is important to realize that not all lead generation channels work well in building contractor sales. Because of that fact, we will review each category and the relevant tactics for contractors:

Awareness construction marketing lead generation
Chiefly for outdoor advertising, I recommend using billboards to promote significant events. This event could be when you are celebrating a milestone or hosting an event. In fact, billboards are an excellent way to let your community know about an anniversary or charity outing. Another way to utilize the outdoor channel is a display about your company in a public venue, such as your local airport.
While most builders know the value of signage as an advertising channel, they may not be utilizing it fully. These signs include building, vehicle, equipment, and job site signs.
If you are a commercial contractor, local magazines that focus on business-to-business articles are a way to reach owners and decisionmakers. On the other hand, if you are a residential builder, flyers in newspapers can be a way to interest potential customers. However, if you have a restrictive budget, I would skip this channel as results are usually limited.
Just like publication advertising channels, radio and television usually do not yield results that are worth the investment. For this reason, be selective when spending marketing dollars on these channels.
Target construction marketing lead generation
Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential to the success of your website as a sales tool. Unlike the past, merely adding keywords to the
Networking is an integral part of both residential and commercial construction marketing. The reason is
Social media channels that have tools to target demographics can be an option because you can focus on your best potential customers. To clarify, you can’t just post on Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram. In order to get leads, you need to place ads and target them to your best potential customer.
Direct construction marketing lead generation
Even though it sounds old-fashioned, prospecting calls to potential customers in selected target markets still produces results. But that doesn’t mean you pick up the phone and start calling any business. Consequently, you have to target your markets for this channel to work. With this in mind, a call campaign can find immediate work, as well as uncover project opportunities before they go to general bid.
It is important to realize that you need to be in the right place at the right time to find a
As much as direct mail, e-bulletins to prospects can build top-of-the-mind awareness. This because your company will come to mind when a prospect needs construction services. Another advantage to this program over direct mail is it is less expensive and can include a link to your website.
Keep in mind that trade publications tailor their articles to target markets, such as medical or industrial. When using these type of magazines for print and online advertisements in a commercial construction marketing plan can build brand recognition.
A trade show is like a trade publication because it needs to focus on your target market. When planning to attend a show, think about showcasing your craftsmanship by building your display. After all, you have the skill to create something that impresses visitors and stands out from the crowd.
About the Author
Paul Kowalski (or Pappy as he is called around the office) spent over two decades working at other agencies before opening Conach Marketing Group in 2008. The early part of his career was working with Fortune 500 clients at different agencies. However, working with smaller clients was his preference. This choice was because of the impact on a client’s business growth and the forming closer, personal relationships.
About Conach
When he was creating Conach, his goal was to bring those Fortune 500 strategies along with years of B2B marketing experience to small business marketing clients. As a result of focusing on business to business marketing, Conach specializes in construction marketing, financial marketing, and industrial marketing. Even though we are in Mid-Michigan, Conach provides marketing services to clients across the country.
For more information visit conachmarketing.com or contact us or call 989.401.3202.